Here's a quick blurb I thought I would share... As far back as I can remember, I've always been drawing in one form or another, but never held on to anything. Well today, upon my return he from work, my son presented me with a little gift he made for me during his day. As you can see he is turning into quite the little artist himself! His words to me were: "um papa, I drew the Silver Surfer, Iron Man, and Spiderman for you. I suggest that you put it in a frame and hang it up". You betcha! Yes I will. In fact I will make sure of it and also make sure that he will have these great creations and memories for as long as possible! Oh and by the way, if anyone is interested... Prints to help support his college fund are available for a mere $10.00. A real steal and great investment from a great future artist!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone