Well, the reports are snow and a lot of it for our area. Earlier today, my wife and VP of Operations here at the shop: Dena, made a preventative strike at the forecasted snow by heading out to Home Depot and buying up some rock salt for our ritual "shovel your walk and driveway before you are able to go anywhere" dance. This dance is well known amongst most neighborhoods. It usually involves a lot of back breaking, sweating and freezing of the body parts followed by gasps of air and runny noses. And when the fun is all over...you can bet you'll be too tired to go to work. Good thing I can do some designing from home, so the day may not be wasted. But I hope it doesnt come down much. My van has a problem backing up out of the driveway on snowy days. Cross your fingers... there is a lot to do at the shop as we are fast approaching major deadlines with our Black light mini golf course construction for Dresden Germany. Pictures and Videos to follow!
Oh Yeah... Dena mentioned that the local Spanish news "Telemondo" was there at Home Depot and video taped her walking down the isle with the bag of salt. We said we had to make a point of watching that station's news, but although we forgot. If any of you happened to watch it (the latino news that is) and you see a sexy woman walking down a Home Depot catwalk isle with rock salt, thats Dena!
Oh Yeah... Dena mentioned that the local Spanish news "Telemondo" was there at Home Depot and video taped her walking down the isle with the bag of salt. We said we had to make a point of watching that station's news, but although we forgot. If any of you happened to watch it (the latino news that is) and you see a sexy woman walking down a Home Depot catwalk isle with rock salt, thats Dena!