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Franks Big Chair, aka: Shore Shots

The company we made the oversized Chair and other oversized props for, has not only bounced their check on us, but is NOW CLEARLY AVOIDING us.

How could this happen one would ask? What Happened?

I guess the answer is that you truly learn something new EVERY DAY. in this case, we learned that even if you have a contract with someone, DO NOT repeat: DO NOT delivery your goods until the check has cleared and the cash is in your bank. We have a contract and received the check. unfortunately for us, we did not receive notice from our bank that Mr. Killino's check was a member of the NBA until after the goods were shipped out. (which leads to other questions to the bank's ways of business, as an email alert would have been better than the mail notice, don't you think?)

What was his reason? Apparently, the oversized props he ordered were too BIG, and that he could in NO WAY use them. Can you imagine that? Now of course this an out and out lie, because we have already received reports that he has been using our props since the 4th of July weekend. So, we have repeatedly called Mr. Killino with no avail until last Thursday, when he sincerely apologized for his situation and admitted that he HAS been using the props. "So where is my money" I asked Frank. "Oh I'm sorry, I will overnight you a certified check making good on my previous check" he says. Well, would any of you reading this be surprised to know that the overnight check was never received? HA!


I just called him to tell him that what he did was literally take food out of my 3 yr old son's mouth.

Maybe he should hear from a few others and be asked, no... be told, to pay up.
Who knows, maybe he will come to his senses and be professional?

Frank Killino's cell: (856) 904-1977 Although the phone always says that the mailbox is full
maybe he can be reached at home: (609) 224-5221 here at least I get to leave a message
or his email:

If any of you can please pass along to contact Mr. Killino as well as pass this warning not to do business with Frank Killino of Shore Shots on 2902 Boardwalk in Wildwood NJ, I think it's time for his "wake up call".


themendous said…
Just finished emailing a bunch of NJ newspapers and TV stations about our check bouncing buddy. I hope his ears will ring tomorrow. Can you believe this guy has the nerve to use our stuff to make "his" money, but refuses to pay us for the goods? Can you say "DOUCHE"

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