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Showing posts from April, 2012

Google Eclair floats away !

So it turns out that the Google HQ was seiged by some crazy rain storms this past Friday 13th and, well... our Giant 10ft Long Google Eclair went afloat! As most of you already know, our studio has created all of the Google Lawn Sculptures and so, we always find it cool to see all the activity of the sculptures there on the lawn.    "The Google Sculpture Lawn" in front of   Building 44   (as it is officially known) has turned into a tourist attraction stop because of the sculptures.  On any given day one will see several bus's filled with people, stop, get out and take photos in front of the Themendous* sculpts, get back in the bus and leave!  -WHAT?!?  WAIT !!! Where's everyone going???-   Many famous celebrities and role model personalities visiting Google have also posed in front of our Google Sculpts such as Lady Gaga, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Willam Defoe, Busta Rhymes,  retired General Colin Powell, and of course; the Andr...

10ft tall Lady Gaga

We haven't posted in a while (again), and have been very busy (as usual :) but I thought I would take a moment to post one of our latest and greatest projects: a 10 foot tall Lady Gaga. Our "little monster" will soon be ready for hard coat and paint, which is when she will really come to life! Until then: keep your "PAWS UP" !!!