I know I promised that the next time I would post was to have an updated and complete rundown of our most recent works, but what can I say... there are more important things afoot! THE BIRTH OF OUR GREATEST CREATION #2 Yep, that's right! Today (02/02/11) we will not be introducing our latest black light miniature golf installation or tremendous over sized 3D foam sculpture, but rather: the birth of our 2nd child! Everyone is nervous and excited! Our area has been getting hit with snow storm upon snow storm and even now, as I type, it is sleeting and the car is covered with ice-ice baby! So off to a careful drive to our area hospital. Our first son Dante (now 5) is on pins and needles. He is adamant about having a girl, but we won't know until the very moment! Stay tuned... we will certainly post our latest creative shop endeavors, but first: Our BABY !!!