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Showing posts from November, 2008

Back to Work!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We're back at the shop, working away!

IAAPA Photos

From left to right; Giovanni Calabrese, Dena Calabrese, Maritza Gulin (me!) and Luc Argotsinger in our lab coats accepting our IAAPA award. You can see more photos from IAAPA by clicking on the slideshow over there on the right hand side.

Best Booth at IAAPA!

Dateline 2008, November 18 Orlando, FLA -- Custom Creations awarded Honorable Mention for Best Booth! Now, understand that there are over 1000 exhibitors from all over the world and only two prizes are given; First Place and Honorable Mention and we gots it!

Count Down!

It's mayhem here at the shop. Last minute preparations are underway as we make sure that everything is perfect and ready to go to Orlando for this year's IAAPA conference. Last year we took home first place in Best New Product and Themed Display. This year's entry is sure to be a winner. Follow this blog for photos and updates. In the meantime, here's a photo of the UBS lobby in Weehawken, NJ that we themed for Halloween.

New Kid on the Block

Isn't he cute? He's still just a carved block of foam at this point but stay tuned for progress photos. He needs a name. Any suggestions?

Road Trip!

We're working around the clock getting ready for IAAPA. This year's booth will be bigger and better than anything we've done in the past. You'll have to see it for yourself. If you're attending, our booth is #1674.

For Immediate Release!

UNION CITY, NJ – Busier than ever, Custom Creations had some great successes and fantastic projects completed and the month isn't even over! We completed a 20 foot tall Bugdroid for the folks at Google in San Francisco. The Bugdroid is a huge hit and is part of a marketing campaign for the launch of Google's G1 Android phone. With less than a week to fabricate and ship, it was all hands on deck working around the clock and we got it done and out the door! “Giovanni, you and your team did an incredible job – against all odds and a crazy, unrealistic schedule. You rocked!” -- Andy Rubin Director of Mobile Platforms “Thanks again. Fantastic work! Kudos to your team! We've been trying to keep this a secret. It's going to blow people's minds when they see it. It will definitely tip our launch celebration over the top. Your efforts are much appreciated.” --Jeff Yaksick Lead Interface Designer We do indeed, rock. A little closer to home, we just had our balls pol...

Custom Creations in the News! Cut and paste the above address into your browser to be taken to our industry magazine Funworld's on line issue. If you skip to page 149, you'll find Custom Creations mentioned in an interview with Larry Stottlemeyer of Funpark USA. You can see more here at the Custom Creations main web page including fascinating in-progress photos.

Fine Art

We do a great variety of work at the shop. From glow in the dark mini golf to fine art sculptures and reproduction, we do it all. Here's Gina with her recently completed clay reproduction of a panel insert from the Arc De Triomphe. Completely hand sculpted, it's a true work of art.


Hailing from the land of the ice and snow and hockey, here's Luc one of our master carpenters.

Radio City Music Hall

Our magnificent holiday balls have been installed! For those of you in the New York City area or planning a trip to Radio City, please make sure you take a look at the window display. We're very proud of our balls and happy that we have the opportunity to show them to the world.


Dr. Glow wishes everyone a happy weekend!